Thursday, September 5, 2024

Josie the Second Grader


              I always have to have my picture taken with the library bears--maybe because I am a Brush Creek Elementary School Bear Cub. I am in second grade, and I really like it. My best friends are in my class and two of them sit at my table. 

Also, I rode the bus home with a friend for a playdate. And I had my first real sleepover last week at her house. It was great! 

We are selling The World's Best Chocolate to make money for school stuff. I have sold a lot. Meema and Grumpy said when they were in school a long time ago, members of the band sold the same chocolate except that the bars were bigger and didn't cost as much.


There are almost always kids to play with at the library. There was a girl that I knew from preschool and some others. We ran all over the playground and swung on the monkey bars.

When they had to leave, I settled down and read some books. Meema says I am a very good reader because I sound words out and I read with expression. Of course, sometimes there are words I have to ask Meema about, like postponed and pressures and autumn. 

Before long, I will probably know all the words.



Barbara Rogers said...

Second grade is so much fun! I'm so glad to hear you've got your good friends at your table as you start this new year of academia (that means study). Thanks for posting your pictures and what you thought about them. If ever you want to be a blogger, Josie, you've got the technique down pat.

Sandra Parshall said...

Josie looks beautiful and so grown up. It's a blessing that she loves school and has fun with friends there. May they be safe as they learn. 💖

Marcia said...

I have two second grade granddaughters. One is local and one in Buffalo. The one local had her tonsils out yesterday. She really likes math.