Monday, September 9, 2024

The Meaning of Life


What's it all about, Cory? Is there anything more than lying in the sun and eating cat food? I mean, is this all there is to life?


Well, Angeline, we do have our Night Games--chasing the catnip mousies and knocking things off the bedside table. Not to mention jumping over (and sometimes on) The Woman. You heard that funny noise she made last night when I landed on her belly. Also, I take the occasional stroll outside. You should try it--very refreshing and The Woman or That Man are always around to open a door when I want to come back in and use the litter box. Really, it would give you a whole new perspective.

Hmmm. Well, Cory, I'll think about it. While I enjoy the sunshine and the fuzzy blue blanket.



Sandra Parshall said...

I love seeing the girls! 💖

Barbara Rogers said...

Life is sooooo hard!

JJM said...

Well, if that's all there is, my friend -- then let's keep dancing. Or, when the sunlight gilds one's sweet repose, snoozing.

Anvilcloud said...

Wait! They have the great outdoor but come in to use the box?