Saturday, September 14, 2024

A Concept of a Recipe

A riff on Fish Veracruz.  Big catfish filets, marinated in yoghurt with a little Dijon mustard then rolled in a mixture of flour, salt, paprika, and garlic powder and fried in canola oil. 

Sered atop cheesy grits and dressed with a fresh salsa of lightly sauteed onions, garlic, bell pepper, and tomato. Some green olives stirred in at the end.

There should have been some shrimp, to come nearer to the Veracruz ideal, but it was pretty tasty for a concept.



Sandra Parshall said...

Are you still eating vegetarian once a week? I've never liked fish, and it's been so long since I ate any meat that I can't really remember when it was.

Vicki Lane said...

We eat vegetarian every other night, for the most part. Lots of beans and rice.

Vagabonde said...

That sounds like a great recipe, I’ll copy it. I also love your title and might use it for my next post, whenever… I also cook beans. I order online from two producers of heirloom beans, and just received the newest cookbook from one of them, The New Bean Book by Steve Sando. I like his beans a lot, there are so many you could never find in regular stores. In case you do not know him, here is his site, Rancho Gordo Beans – he also has recipes in it: