Sunday, September 22, 2024

Autumn Equinox



 Balanced between summer and fall,

Between love and hate, hope and fear, truth and lies----

Teetering between yesterday and tomorrow,

Breathless, the world waits.

May all be well, may all be well,

May all be exceeding well.



Anvilcloud said...

Lovely inversion. I went for a stroll last evening. It was dark already, and that autumnal chill was in the air. It gives me an ominous feeling.

Barbara Rogers said...

Thanks for words of wisdom and hope. A time of balance between the dark and light...a pause for me, to enjoy what has gone before, to be hopeful for what is coming.

Sandra Parshall said...

Days are still warm here, but the intense heat is long gone, and leaves are changing color everywhere. Our two big native cherry trees gave up on summer weeks ago, and now the yellow leaves are dropping rapidly.

Cella said...

Julian of Norwich was a female mystic in the 13th century. Her life is fascinating. I have always loved this passage.

Cella said...

Correction: 14th century

Vagabonde said...

We still have the heat of summer here in Nashville with 94 F today.

Wise words. Let’s hope that this November will gives us a favorable ending to these words.

jennyfreckles said...

Amen to that!