Saturday, August 19, 2023

Looking East

67 beautiful degrees F this morning---bliss!



Barbara Rogers said...

We've certainly had a week of cooler weather, lower humidity and blissful nights in the low 60s and 50s. A nice break before the rest of summer slaps us silly again!

Sandra Parshall said...

We were at 59 this morning!

Junk Journal Penpals said...

We have had a very cool summer with temperatures not getting above 24 degs C, which is heavenly. June was very wet here and the trees benefitted greatly as did the shrubs. However my seeds took an extraordinary time to germinate and my tomatoes are only just getting flowers, let alone fruits. Unless we get a warm September, lots of things will be a right off. Our runner beans have loved the cooler temperatures and we are cropping every day, also many, many blackberries. Each year is different.

Vagabonde said...

Looking east with 67 F! Sigh…. It was 89 F here in Cobb Co., GA., today. Tomorrow I am driving back to Nashville where it will be in the 90s, 98+ F by Thursday (37 C.) Even 5 hours north of Atlanta it’s always warmer in Nashville because there is no elevation. You are lucky…