Thursday, August 3, 2023

Celebration in Yellow

Several of our porch plants are sporting mini-sunflowers, courtesy, I suppose, of the local chipmunks who visit our birdfeeders.

I choose to regard these unexpected, cheerful yellow explosions as the Universe celebrating the Third Indictment of the Former Guy.

Meanwhile, Magaland continues to send money to this traitorous billionaire* (*is he really?)

Shaking my head at the deep delusion of so many of my fellow Americans. 



Barbara Rogers said...

My cousins make positive comments on my FB posts, and I do the same for them. If I post a word about the RePulusivecans, they don't comment at all. The wonder is that all those people like supporting a criminal. They are so against government, they want to destroy Democracy. Oh boy, I sure hope none of have to see what that would be like!

Sandra Parshall said...

His fraud-riddled business is going to be ruined by the civil suit in N.Y. One more thing to celebrate. Hundreds of his followers are already serving prison sentences, and more are facing the same fate. If he himself is convicted in just one of the criminal cases against him, he will go to prison. I heard a couple of his supporters in Iowa telling a reporter yesterday that it's "starting to look like he did something criminal." That's progress, I guess.

Vicki Lane said...

It's so hard for members of a cult to admit error. When your whole identity and sense of worth is bound up with That Guy, it would be much like a religious person beginning to doubt the existence of a god. Cue existential angst...

Vagabonde said...

It is so incomprehensible to me to see that 61% (as I read this morning on the BBC) of Republicans still believe that he won the election. Yesterday I went and read some comments about his indictments on a right-leaning newspaper and about 9 out of 10 people said it was a Democratic plot, that he really won the election, and they would vote for him again. It made me so sad for this country. The US is not a backward country; people go to school and can read (mostly) why can’t they understand the evidence? His own staff said he knew all along that he was lying; his attorney general Bill Barr said he “knew well he lost the election.” Millions of people are delusional, what a shame for the world to watch. Would the Republicans have accepted this from Obama? Of course not, the bigotry and racism is apparent.

I have not been on my laptop for a while – the news is too disappointing. I just wrote a very long post, but I had not written one since early May. It’s relative as some of those I read have published more the 50 in the meantime, so I don’t feel so bad about its length.

Anvilcloud said...

Lovely theme. Have a nice day.