I kind of like the change of light, at least since I live up in the tree tops, so to speak. All summer my sunlight was tinged green. Then for October it began to turn ornage, with about a week of total orange light. And now it's more just pure sunlight. On the plus side of all the leaves on the ground, I think of what wonderful compost they make, especially after the winter has driven them into pulp and blades of grass return.
I have Seasonal Affective Disorder, so fall only means winter is coming. I'm trying to convince myself that I should take advantage of the situation and hibernate for the next six months to concentrate on my writing. That would turn my negative into a positive, if I can pull it off.
It’s a bit saddening.
I find late fall saddening too, when the beauty fades and we're left with bare branches and piles of dead leaves. Winter is bearing down on us.
I kind of like the change of light, at least since I live up in the tree tops, so to speak. All summer my sunlight was tinged green. Then for October it began to turn ornage, with about a week of total orange light. And now it's more just pure sunlight. On the plus side of all the leaves on the ground, I think of what wonderful compost they make, especially after the winter has driven them into pulp and blades of grass return.
I have Seasonal Affective Disorder, so fall only means winter is coming. I'm trying to convince myself that I should take advantage of the situation and hibernate for the next six months to concentrate on my writing. That would turn my negative into a positive, if I can pull it off.
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