Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Too Good Not to Share

"He told himself that he was not drunk at all, but that he had taken an unusual quantity of whisky, which seemed to produce much the same effect as intoxication."

From E.F.Benson's Miss Mapp


Barbara Rogers said...

Ha ha ha. That's a great shot of the woodstacks, and the clothesline!

Marcia said...

You lost me on this one.

JJM said...

A fellow Luciaphile! Why am I not surprised?

Martha said...

Lol, Love it!

Thérèse said...

I should read of his Miss Mapp's books, I haven't read any.

Bobbi Tousey said...

What a fun time we had yesterday at the Marshall library. I absolutely loved And The Crows Took Their Eyes. Thanks for all your behind the scenes comments which made our discussion that much more special.

Vicki Lane said...

Thank you, Bobb1! It was great to see folks in person!