Saturday, August 29, 2020

Further Adventures in Zoom

But wait, there's more! Yesterday, with the help of the invaluable administrative assistant, I found the link to the recording of our session so that I could send it to the class. One student in particular was having trouble hearing and since an automatic transcript accompanies the recording, it seemed like just the thing to fill in the blanks.

The opening interchanges were somewhat surreal--like a lesson in a foreign language--or Waiting for Godot.

Me: Good. . .

D: I can hear you. . .

N: You hear me. Here I am. I hearing. See you. Do you see me. . .

Me: I do not see you. . .

N: can read. . .

Me: There may be a thing that you turn on. . .

If you keep on long enough, it turns into an existentialist play.


jennyfreckles said...

Haha, sounds like the start of our meetings too!

Sandra Parshall said...

I refuse to buy a camera for any of my computers. My neurologist told me I need to "join the 21st century." I told him he needs to start seeing patients in his office again and stop being afraid of us.

Barbara Rogers said...

When we look at each other...we aren't looking into anyone's eyes on zoom. We were either looking down or up, or to the side of where that person thought they were...zooming is definitely strange. I kind of like the iPhone's facetime, because you see mainly the person you're taking to, with a tiny photo of yourself in the corner. And then my son put the whole show on his TV, but the camera was still on the it was totally screwy. At least we could hear (with the ear plugs) most of what was being said. Without ear plugs I often miss things. Loved your zinnias.