A dark cloud hangs over the world these days. And there's precious little real information on when it will lift. For me, the sense of doom is exacerbated by the idiots clamoring for an end to the social distancing--that seems to be helping mitigate the spread of the virus--in favor of a reopening of vital services like nail parlors and gyms and estheticians.
Perhaps it will be a satisfaction to some of these folks to be fit and well-groomed as they--or more likely, their elderly relatives or neighbors--battle Covid-19.
I, on the other hand, am staying put. I had signed a contract to lead a class at John C. Campbell in the last week of May. I knew that they are closed now but hadn't heard from them concerning plans to reopen. So I sent a pre-emptive email, saying that I would not feel comfortable in a group setting that soon. I got a reply the next day saying that they had just decided to stay closed at least through May.
Good. Me too.
I realize, of course, that this isolation is easy for me--I have the freedom of our farm, Josie two or three times a week, and visits (distanced) with Justin and Claui. I'm continuing to teachy on line, I have another editing job coming up, so far, the groceries we need have been obtainable. I'm way past due for a hair cut but I tidied up the front view myself. I miss my spring prowl around the local nursery but aside from that...life goes on.
But there's essential . . . and there's non-essential. Where do you draw the line?
I’m not sure where this is heading. It will be a long before a vaccine, and only then will be be really safe. I just don’t know.
Social distancing until facts/data indicate it is safe to begin to gather (and that should be done slowly with clear guidelines). And there needs to be widespread testing so we can ensure those who are carriers do not infect others unknowingly. In this for the long run, though with some states already reopening, I fear the long run is going to be a very long run.
I hope some businesses can reopen which people really need...maybe for their vanity, but at least for their mental health. When all the liquor stores were allowed to remain open, I wondered how essential they were. The answer was that the people who need them most would be sick if they didn't have their alcohol. True enough. And having one's hair dyed regularly (or cut for the gentlemen) would make one feel more presentable in company. Even if company was just one's family. I like Linda's new term, Covid-ality. It's a new reality.
The virus has a very reliable incubation period. Following the demonstrations and the reopening of beaches, we should know in two to three weeks just what the risk is. The people who are so eager to be guinea pigs will end up showing us what to do or not do.
No real talk yet of lifting the lockdown here, though a few people are asking the question. Like you, I think I'll be cautious for a while yet but it's pretty easy for us retirees, with an assured income.
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