Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Morning at JCC

Morning  --  from the porch of  The Farmhouse.

This was where Olive Dame Campbell, the founder of the Folk School, lived and I'm delighted to be staying in the downstairs bedroom next to the living room.

Time to set out . . .

My classroom is just across the road and the dining hall is a short walk away, through the woods on a lovely bark-carpeted path.

 There's something magical about this wood.

  1. Lots of big trees . . .

and rhododendrons. .  .

Emerald green moss glowing in a shaft of sunlight. . . 

And a bench with no back legs . . .


Barbara Rogers said...

You've got a good week for being there...the weather is smiling upon you too!

TIL I Can Make It On My Own said...

This is such a beautiful spot, how wonderfull for you. Enjoy your week Vicki, not sure whose more blessed, you or your students.
Don't sit on that bench.......

jennyfreckles said...

It looks so peaceful. Your first picture really evokes that sense of a warm day to come.

Jime said...

I long to be in "Them Hills of Home" Hope your week is filled with good students and good weather.