Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Josie and Corycat and Shadows

No, I didn't bring these two to John C. Campbell. But I wanted to post these pictures from Saturday anyway.


Barbara Rogers said...

I see Copycat has trained the new Hooman to give appropriate care! So sweet!

Barbara Rogers said...

Drat, CoryCat just slipped into spellcheck-ville!

TIL I Can Make It On My Own said...

Awe my FB girl is eyeing Copycat's every move. Hang onto your tail Copycat! ❤️❤️

Sandra Parshall said...

Cory is training Josie well. It’s so sweet to see a young child interacting gently with an animal. I gather that Angeline wants no part of this.

jennyfreckles said...

Aw, sweet. J is being quite gentle by the looks of it.

katy gilmore said...

Love these photos -- Josie looking so grown up!

Jime said...

Josie's got a friend.