Monday, September 30, 2024



We are safe but the town of Marshall is destroyed.
Whole buildings are gone. All the businesses are destroyed.
The water went to the second story in the old jail (recently renovated as a boutique hotel.).
The river hit 27ft on the flood gauge which is by far the worst flood in recorded history.
The 1916 flood was 23.9ft in Marshall.
The 1916 flood went to the 5th step on the courthouse stairs and this flood went two feet in the courthouse.

photo of Marshall from the internet

Hot Springs and other small towns are likewise devastated.

Our power is still on--but still no cell service. The Barnard Bridge (our easiest way out) is open. Some gas stations are open.

We are staying put for a few days as we don't need anything.

It's going to be a long road to recovery--I'm counting on the indomitable mountain spirit--along with help from FEMA and other governmental agencies--to make it through.

The historic Col. Allen House--setting for several chapters in AND THE CROWS TOOK THEIR EYES

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Power Restored!

After over ten inches of rain, we were happy to see blue sky again. 

We are all fine but western North Carolina has taken a big hit. Flooding in Marshall, Hot Springs, Asheville, Boone, Chimney Rock and more. Houses and businesses destroyed. Roads questionable. A giant sinkhole in Mars Hill. Our nearby bridge over the French Broad is closed because when the Redmon Dam upstream broke, a container (like on the back of a truck) washed away and hit the bridge. It will have to be surveyed before it is deemed safe.

Power was out everywhere, shutting down gas stations and grocery stores--assuming you could get to them. We had heard that it might be a week. And with power out, no internet. Our news came from neighbors John met while folks were checking the state of the road.

But, a miracle! Ours came back on while we were eating supper--and I leaped up to go refill water containers and do the dishes. John hurried to start a load of laundry. A shower is next on the agenda.

We still have no phone service, I'm not sure why. But we are so thankful to have come through this storm. 

Being without internet or any source of news was pleasant, in a way. I didn't have to think about the Former Guy. 


Friday, September 27, 2024


As of 5 pm yesterday, we'd had over five inches of rain but no real problems. More rain is headed our way, and the French Broad River is rising. There is flooding in Asheville.

Folks in Marshall and Hot Springs who are near the river have to told to evacuate. It's quite possible that this event will be as bad or worse than the Great Flood of 1916. 

I had Josie all morning so her folks could go to work but around noon Claui had a call from a friend who had to evacuate and was looking for a place to go. Josie was thrilled as this was one of her best friend's mom and a mega-sleepover was about to happen.

We're safe from floods here at Wool Branch--unless it's one of biblical proportions. There's always the worry of falling trees or mudslides and the ever possibility of a power outage. But, so far, so good. 

I have a big pot of chili simmering on the stove--a kind of primordial response to drastic weather. What's more, I just bought a huge package of toilet tissue yesterday, possibly another primordial thing. And we have wine. And dog and cat food.

May all stay safe!




Thursday, September 26, 2024

Time to Hunker Down

The rain began around 4, as predicted. Schools are to be closed today and tomorrow as we face a lot of rain, possible power outages, flooding, and road closing.

John has renewed the waterbreaks on our road and we have a store of water in case we lose power. And, of course, kerosene lamps and a gas stove top. 

So we're pretty much set.

If you don't hear from me tomorrow, it will mean we've lost power. 

Stay safe, everyone in the storm path. 

 Update Thursday morning: We lost power last night, but it was back in a few hours. Hurrah for the crews from French Broad Electric! Of course, it may happen again...

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

A Breathing Space

The current political situation preys on my thoughts. It seems that no matter what new awfulness emerges-- Mark Robinson comes to mind -- the MAGA faithful bleat FAKE NEWS and carry on.

I think of many friends from my younger days--all once very dear to me--who continue to support the Former Guy and I am completely bumfuzzled. Of course, I realize they may view me as a supporter of after-birth execution as well as a Marxist/Socialist/Communist/Fascist, as the former guy would say. 

When faced with unresolvable worries, I like to sit on the front porch and just breathe.

Watching the shadows slide across the slopes is a wonderful accompaniment to just breathing and finding peace. 


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Princess Cowgirl

The princess (note tiara on hat) cowgirl and her trusty unicorn prepare for the trip down the mountain to her castle.

She is accompanied by her faithful dog Otter (who may or may not be a shape-shifter,)

One last goodbye . . .

And they're off, at a nice, collected trot,

Which soon becomes a canter.

An everyday trip made magical!


Monday, September 23, 2024


Could be. We all dress formally . . .

In your dreams, Bailey. You are but a dog and we are cats--the apex of creation.



Sunday, September 22, 2024

Autumn Equinox



 Balanced between summer and fall,

Between love and hate, hope and fear, truth and lies----

Teetering between yesterday and tomorrow,

Breathless, the world waits.

May all be well, may all be well,

May all be exceeding well.


Saturday, September 21, 2024

Where's My Taco Truck?

Justin brought us a still-warm feast from Taco Fiesta in Mars Hill. (The dark stains on the bag indicate freshness.)

There's a large pan of fajitas . . .

And soft flour tortillas to put the fajita mix in. Also corn tortilla chips, two salsas, and two salad/refried beans con queso/ Mexican rice/sour cream/ guacamole dishes.

Not exactly elegant but very yummy, quite reasonably priced, and no effort required on our part.

There's a lot of the fajita stuff left. Come Sunday, it will go into a kind of Mexican lasagna layered with corn tortillas, sour cream, and cheese.

I'm still waiting for the taco truck on every corner that a spokesman for Latinos for Trump promised if Biden was elected. (I'm also still bitter about the library of Alexandria and the Mayan Codices, but I digress.)

Till we get the taco truck on our road, this is a fine substitute!


Friday, September 20, 2024

A Little Editing

Out of the blue came a request from a student from years past. She's finished the novel she workshopped in my class and is thinking about getting it edited "if it's worthy." Would I like to have a go?

Oh, how to answer that question! So many books are published--many not especially worthy in my opinion, but best sellers. 

I can't tell someone that paying for editing will assure their book is published Editing is expensive--though I suspect at $5 dollars a page for very picky line-editing, my prices aren't out of line.

Anyway, I suggested she pay me to edit the first chapter and she could decide if it was worth it to her to spring for the whole book.

She sent me said first chapter and I leaped in. And was surprised to find how addictive the work is. I always enjoyed editing--with a few exceptions when the writing was truly terrible. But this is a nice story that I think I can improve with some judicious tweaks.

We'll see if it proves to be something she wants to pursue.


Thursday, September 19, 2024

Field of Gold



Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Mixed Emotions

So happy for the blessed, much-needed rain! 

But I am beyond angry at the latest outrage from the GOP--well, there are so many and they keep coming--I'll focus on the candidates' completely discredited statements and/or refusal to disavow the lies about Haitians (legal immigrants) in Springfield, Ohio.

Bomb threats, school shutdowns, widespread fear among the community because JD Vance doesn't mind lying in service of his scare-tactics message. And the Orange One plays dumb. (Okay, not a stretch.)

This is the tactic the Nazis used against the Jews. Dehumanize a set of people. Make them into a common enemy. To hell with the consequences as long as it gets you elected.

The GOP is telling you loud and clear who they are. 

An Ohio sheriff has suggested people keep a list of those families with Harris/Walz signs in their yards. If that's not chilling intimidation, I don't know what is.

And with the ongoing wholesale partisan purging of the voting rolls--you'd be wise to check that you're still registered, especially if you've moved or haven't voted recently.

The stakes are unbelievably high in this election. I can only hope that our better angels prevail. 


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Josie and the Camels Next Door


                     💗💗😋💖💜           there are camels crossing.                                                     

the camel is saying hi.

the camel wants to eat my bow.

I like the camels.

the camels like me. I like to feed them.

These are Josie's words, and she did all the keyboarding. Her mama took the pictures.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

A Hundred Personal Messages

Doing what I can. I can't/won't knock on doors or march or go to rallies, but I can write messages encouraging mothers to vote. Non-partisan messages. 

 The post cards are preaddressed and pre-stamped--I add a brief personal message. 

The campaign is aimed at mothers who are registered voters but may need a nudge to get them to the polls. It's organized by Moms Rising, a non-partisan advocacy group.

 If you'd like to fill out 20 or 100  postcards, go HERE.

(And I'm almost done! Six to go. It went quickly and it was fascinating to see the names that came up.)


Saturday, September 14, 2024

A Concept of a Recipe

A riff on Fish Veracruz.  Big catfish filets, marinated in yoghurt with a little Dijon mustard then rolled in a mixture of flour, salt, paprika, and garlic powder and fried in canola oil. 

Sered atop cheesy grits and dressed with a fresh salsa of lightly sauteed onions, garlic, bell pepper, and tomato. Some green olives stirred in at the end.

There should have been some shrimp, to come nearer to the Veracruz ideal, but it was pretty tasty for a concept.


Friday, September 13, 2024

Signs of the Season