Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Going to the Dogs

My friend Josie came out Sunday night for the family birthday celebration. Although she has no pets of her own, Josie's awfully tolerant of our spoiled and demanding pack, allowing Jack a nice snuggle as Ali Ali looks on.

Ali Ali's motto is "It's all about me!" and he really can't bear to see Jack getting all the attention and so . . .

. . .he moves in, becoming impossible to ignore. Except that Jack does, hanging on to his place in Josie's lap . . .

. . . and when Ali Ali, aka 'The Brat,' has been forcibly removed, Jack abides, with a sweet paw-embrace of Josie's leg.

One night at our house, Josie says, fills her need for canine companionship for weeks. Not to mention leaving her covered with dog hair.

As I said, she's a really good sport.

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Tammy said...

Love this post! Too funny. Ali Ali reminds me of "I am the Center of the Universe Boone" ;-) I love how Jack perseveres as well. Lastly your friend sounds like a keeper! (and thanks for the tip on right clicking on the spellcheck in the comments box--although sometimes I notice it doesn't even red underline the misspelled words--not sure why that is)

Anonymous said...

It's me, Vicki, trying to post from another computer. Some folks have had trouble commenting -- Pat in TN, for one.

So I'll see if this works.

Ahh, Tammy, those big ego-driven boy dogs are kinda cute, aren't they?

Liz said...

My response to people who don't want dogs on furniture - That's why they call it FURniture! - A happy guest is a fur-covered guest. Love those pics.

Susan M. Bell said...

At my house it's cats. Everything looks better with cat hair. Any time the hubs complains about cat hair on everything, I calmly remind him that he agreed on keeping all four, so it's not just my fault. (And I make sure he keeps a lint roller in his desk at work. He usually needs it.) :-)

Since I don't have dogs, I get my dog fix through my pet sitting.

Vicki Lane said...

There is a famous interior designer who once said that the perfect English country house look is achieved only by having a few largeish dogs spend time in said interior. I admire and enjoy clean houses with white (white!) upholstery but, dogs aside, I personally am not clean enough for such a decor -- always tracking in dirt from the garden or just living.

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Oh Vicki - I just love this post and these pictures!