Sunday, July 7, 2024

Time is Relative



We try, in accordance with Josie's folks and our own thoughts on the subject, to limit Josie's screen time. The established rule up here is video time at 1:00 and at 5:00, each preceded by her reading three books to me. Mostly, it works. Mainly because it gives Meema a break.

"What time is it?" is a question I hear quite a lot. She's still shaky with analog clocks for anything but the hour, so I encourage her to look at the digital clock on the stove.

Friday was long and hot, and the first What time is it? came at 10:45, according to my cell phone. We were in the dining room where she was messing with the Castle People and drawing, and I was reading.

She noodled about a few minutes then went to the kitchen.

"Meema, the clock on the stove says 1:00!"

"No, it doesn't. It's not even 11 yet."

"Give me your phone and I'll show you!"

She disappeared back into the kitchen, returning to show me her evidence, right there on my phone.                                                                                          

 Oh my goodness, Josephine! I find myself almost taken in by

 your clever ruse. 

But not quite.


Sandra Parshall said...

Thanks, Josie, for the laugh.

Barbara Rogers said...

A very clever gal you've got there...wonder where she got her imagination!

Merisi said...

Under the glaring summer heat!

Anvilcloud said...

You're going to to watch this one. 😊

'Watch' was not an intended as a pun if that is the right description, but I am not sure that it is. I'm getting dozier. 😔