Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Moonrise? Sunrise?

Who knows? Not I. Nor do I know who took the picture (below) that I painted from. It's from the coast of NC, where John used to keep a sailboat, so he probably took it. Or our friend Vic, who also has a boat there, and is an excellent photographer. 

I have always liked the composition and the serenity of the photo, so I tried to paint it. But it kept looking too pink and washed out. So I deepened the colors with some Pthalo Blue and set it aside. 

When I returned to it, I found some tiny paint smears in the sky. Not removeable.

Hence the addition of a bird (crow? hawk?) being harassed by some smaller fowl.



Anvilcloud said...

That is terrific.

Barbara Rogers said...

I like the additional accidental birds. They give life to a rather serene scene. I'm stuck in alterative dribble it seems.

Sandra Parshall said...

It's beautiful. I would proudly hang this painting in my home.

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