Monday, July 29, 2024

More Butterflies

The patch of Black-Eyed Susans outside our greenhouse door had a host of small butterflies visiting. 

Fritillaries of some sort? I can't be sure.

I sat on the steps with my camera and as I was snapping away, a hummingbird grazed my shoulder, on her way to sip from a nasturtium blooming in the pot beside me.

Alas, I couldn't try for her picture--if I'd moved, she'd have darted away. But it was nice to hear her humming there beside me.



Anvilcloud said...

Nice experience with the hummer. They are wonderful little creatures. I haven't seen one for awhile.

Barbara Rogers said...

Butterflies, Black-eyed Susans and even a hummingbird - how really lovely!

Vicki Lane said...

A bit magical.