Thursday, July 18, 2024

If, On a Hot Summer Evening. . .

Sometimes, nothing sounds better than a salad. A Salade Nicoise is pretty much a full meal. There's a little advance prep that, ideally, could be done in the morning before things heat up. Boil potatoes, hard cook eggs, steam green beans, make vinaigrette (fresh basil, thyme, oregano, lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper,) and pour some on the cooked potatoes, then use it to marinate the thin sliced onions. 

Come evening, it's just a matter of assembling the ingredients--lettuce (or spinach,) a small can of tuna in oil, sliced cukes, tomato wedges, the potatoes, green beans, onions, hard-cooked egg, some olives--Kalamata if you don't have the little French ones, some capers, and the vinaigrette. 

And if, after a too hot day, a cooling thunderstorm moves in, it's nice to sit on the porch with coffee and, for Himself, perhaps a drop of something stronger. . .



jennyfreckles said...

I normally eat lots of salads in summer but this year, being cool and so wet, I've never yet graduated from warming casseroles!

Anvilcloud said...

Nice ending of the day for y'all.

Barbara Rogers said...

Wonderful sounding and nutritious. I'm trying to have a salad every other day, but it's hard sometimes to do prep it's just throw things out of the fridge onto a plate! I haven't looked at the food in the cupboard in weeks...just eating from left overs or other things in fridge! I shall have to remedy that!

Sandra Parshall said...

I don't know how you survive without AC! Adjusting the way you cook is definitely called for.

Marcia said...

I'd love to share that salad with you, but my husband would object to the tuna.

Vicki Lane said...

The glorious rain that came has left us with a temp today (Thursday) in the high seventies. Bliss!

Vagabonde said...

Yes, it is 79 F in Marietta, Georgia, right now. When I left Nashville couple days ago it was about 100 F there or more, then arriving in Marietta it was 76 F - and I had driven 4 1/2 hours south! It has been raining and storming here a lot, so the temp has stayed down. Although because of the elevation it is almost always cooler in Marietta than in Nashville, Tennessee.

I also eat mostly salads in summer. But today, since it was cool, I went to Gabriel’s Bakery (they are cousins of Paula Deen, the cook.). At lunch they also offer a menu of many vegetables for their ‘meat or fish and 3’ plates. . I have been in the South so long now that I enjoy the cuisine here very much. So I bought a plate « to go » - fried flounder, collard greens, okra and fried green tomatoes, with corn bread. They have some chipotle creamy sauce for their fried green tomatoes that is very tasty. I also ordered a piece of caramel cake for dessert. The thing is that their « plates » are so large, that I can eat from it for 2 or even 3 meals - all for under $10 or so. I made some Armenian taboule salad to go with it, and may place a piece of French Brie cheese on the corn bread! (Don’t tell anyone…)

I have a friend in Denver, Colorado, who tells me you can’t find anything like a meal and 3 over there. All restaurants around her are expensive.

Vagabonde said...

By the way looking at your appetizing salade niçoise made me think of one of my favorite French cities - Nice. Do you know that this year, the first time since the Tour de France started in 1903, the Tour won’t end in Paris. It is because of the Summer Olympic Games in Paris. Instead it will end in Nice! On this coming Sunday, July 21.

As I am eating dinner right now (I eat late, usually around 8 to 8:30 pm) am watching today’s stage of the Tour. Beautiful scenery as usual. When I return to Nashville next week I need to get my act together and wirite a blog post.