Saturday, July 27, 2024

A Giddy Delight


It's been a real pleasure to see more butterflies this year. I can't identify the one in the picture (update: I think it's a Question Mark aka Polygonia Interrogationis or maybe a Comma) but there was an abundance of yellow swallowtails dodging around my car when I went to the grocery on Wednesday. And yesterday, a Black Swallowtail tried hard to come in the basement when I was doing the laundry.

Butterflies don't appear to have much sense--just giddy with pleasure at their existence, brief though it may be.

Which puts me in mind of some things I read recently: two pundits (male, of course, is there any other kind?) warned Democrats against being 'giddy' over Kamala's candidacy.

I plead guilty. 

After the sad disaster of the Biden/Trump "debate," and after the orgasmic crowds at the RNC, Kamala's new ascendancy and the rapid coalescing of the party around her are a real delight.

I know it's going to be a fight. I know nothing is certain--especially after watching Hillary lose, despite her overwhelming victory in the popular vote.

But so very many people are energized by this fresh start--young people, women, minorities--how can I keep from feeling just a bit giddy?


Anvilcloud said...

I was reading Trumps latest speech from last night. Apparently, he promised that if you vote for him this year, you'll never have to vote again.

Barbara Rogers said...

As AC just said...Trump has scary things planned. Giddy delight does feel pretty good in comparison. Loved your butterfly report.

Marcia said...

Dan spoke to a young man who will be voting for the first time yesterday. He's a fellow volunteer firefighter. Liam said Trump is bonkers. He will vote for Harris. Many of the other firefighters are tRump supporters but Dan told Liam he can talk to him about the election because he agrees with Liam. They were on a fire call together yesterday. (False alarm going off at the National Park near here.)

GPearson said...

We have every reason to be giddy! Hope does that to us and now we have hope! Loving the reaction to Kamala!
PS: A friend once described a mutual friend "as if being friends with a butterfly" I thought it was lovely and very appropriate!