Thursday, July 25, 2024

What a Beauty!

In some alternative life that didn't involve a 4WD road, I would adore this snazzy truck for my vehicle. 

I love the paintwork and the wood, and it even comes with a handsome dog. (Don't worry, Sandy--the temps were in the mid-seventies, and it was cloudy.)



Anvilcloud said...

Yes, it's a beaut. There is a car-gathering at a local parking lot every week, but I never manage to get there.

Sandra Parshall said...

I'm happy to hear the dog wasn't in a hot vehicle.😄

Barbara Rogers said...

What a beautiful little truck...well restored! I''m not able to tell what manufacture it was, but the dog makes the vehicle more personable, so who cares!

Kira Roza said...
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JJM said...

Ah, the good old days when motor vehicles (not to mention aeroplanes and steam locomotives) were designed with style, grace, and soul.