Thursday, July 4, 2024

Taking a Page from Mrs. Alito's Book



Grim and perilous times . . . a Supreme Court bought and paid for, Big Money and Big Business set to have it all their own way. . . a nation in distress. 


Barbara Rogers said...

Happy Independence Day. Democracy is again being tested. We do live in interesting times.

Sandra Parshall said...

I see nothing to celebrate on this day.

Vagabonde said...

Sandra, I feel exactly as you do.

Anvilcloud said...

What over-the-edge thing could Biden do to make them rethink this?

JJM said...

Frankly, even if Joe Biden was twice his age, doddering, drooling, and senile, I'd still vote for him rather than that unspeakable other alternative. Joe is a good man with a vision, he's honest, he has a sense of honour, and (more important than many realize) he's got a sense of humour. Plus he has good people around him, the ones who actually do the work: cabinet secretaries, subject specialists, advisors, and daily CIA & NSA briefings. Ultimately, he's the decider, not the data gatherer or memorizer or expert. As long as his stamina holds out, he'll do fine. And if it doesn't, long as he's elected, he's got Kamala to fall back on.