Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Proud of My County


This was just announced for all students in Madison County, I am delighted! No more stigmatizing kids for their parents' inability to pay. 

Though Madison is pretty much a red county--with, perhaps, a growing number of blue voters, it has still done some good and progressive things. Our wonderful library is one, an amazing Health Department is another, and I'm sure there are others I'm not aware of because they don't directly touch my life.

Free meals at school makes me so happy (even though Josie, the picky eater, insists on a packed lunch.) As John said when I told him about the program, it makes us feel a bit better about our property taxes increasing. (Though to be honest, I don't actually know from whence the funding comes.)

Are we Woke, or what?


Anvilcloud said...

Oh good. And you snuck in a very nice photo.

Sandra Parshall said...

No child should be hungry.

Barbara Rogers said...

School breakfast and lunch programs for all kids - a win win. Now educate the little dears about some classics...I'm so sad that the UNCA in Asheville cut the classical studies. How will anyone know the Greek myths which the French display at the Olympics?

Marcia said...

That is an excellent program that should be available in every school system. It was available here during the pandemic even during the summertime. No longer though. Granddaughters here choose what meals they want to buy on Sundays.

Vagabonde said...

At first I read that you were proud of your country and thought the Republicans must have told the orange guy to get lost. But it is your county. And that is great news, I wish it were the same for all the schools in the country. It’s not easy for young ones to learn on empty stomach, so yes, be proud of your county, it is doing well.