Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The Day the Weaponized Castle Ladies Staged a Coup and Knocked Down the King

The day dawned peacefully. But in the corner cupboard, rebellion was afoot.

Emboldened by their new weapons, the Ladies determined it was time to smash the patriarchy. Even the Queen joined in.

Chaos ensued! But the Sorceress lured the King away . . .

And he was down!  
What will the Ladies do with their new-found power?
The mind boggles.



Anvilcloud said...

Yay, Ladies!

Barbara Rogers said...

Ah, if only it were so...

Sandra Parshall said...

Josie the ultra-feminist! What does this bode for the future? Have you asked her what brought this on?

jennyfreckles said...

Good for them. Pity revolution is only happening in the cupboard.