Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Summer's End



Anvilcloud said...

So it is . . . again.

Barbara Rogers said...

The one of kudzu crossing the road...Kudzu cannot be stopped! Oh wait, a freeze? Oops!

Sandra Parshall said...

I am always saddened by autumn, and I positively hate winter.
The kudzu weighing on utility lines is worrisome. Invasive vines are swallowing the country. They cover everything along the highways here -- the Beltway, the interstates, the George Washington Parkway. The trees die, and eventually they come down in storms. We had one storm earlier this year that left major roadways and commuter routes blocked for days by fallen trees, and the power lines went down with them. It gets worse every year, and nothing is done to control it.

jennyfreckles said...

Each season has its own beauty and these transition times are interesting.