Friday, September 15, 2023

New Life in the Pond!


For over a year now, our goldfish pond population has remained at nine--five orange fish and four dark fish.

Some are darker than others and one is tending toward calico.

Recently small fish have been spotted--evidence of propagation g0ing on! They're hard to photograph as they dart from cover to cover, evidently spooked by my presence, looming above the water. 


But after I sat quietly for quite a while, they began to emerge from hiding.

I wonder if this little one might turn orange eventually.

Socializing with the big guys.


Barbara Rogers said...

What fun, baby fishies! Do you over-winter them in place (with covering?) Or do you bring them inside in a tank? I know sometimes they do fine in a kind of hibernation status during winter.

Vicki Lane said...

They stay in the pond--sometimes under a layer of ice. They do fine. As you say, a kind of semi-hibernation.

Anvilcloud said...

When you answered Barbara's question, you answered mine. So you do get ice for awhile at least.

Vicki Lane said...

As my grandfather said, when I asked him how long chickens live, "I don't know. Something always happens to them."

With our fish, it's usually watersnakes.

But Mr. Google tells me they can live to 12 or (in a pond) even longer. And they can grow to 12 inches.

We'll see.