Thursday, September 28, 2023

Looking Around



Barbara Rogers said...

I'd like to know more about the sculpture on the looks quite interesting.

Sandra Parshall said...

Oiur two native American cherries are already bare, their leaves sacrificed to the heat of August. The Japanese maple is showing a bit of red. Our variety is bright red in spring, deep purple in summer, red again in fall. Our neighborhood has many Japanese maples of different varieties, and I always enjoy their individual color changes. Our giant dawn redwood at the back of the yard holds onto its needles into cold weather, when they turn orange and fall across the garden, providing a kind of mulch for everything and added nitrogen. And all the while, it drops tiny cones everywhere, resulting in many seedlings the following year. And so the seasons change.

Vicki Lane said...

Barb. the marble column belonged to John's maternal grandparents and has always been a sundial base. The carvings are shields and leaves--the shields would be a good place for inscriptions but there are none.