About a month ago, this picture (not mine, alas) was making the rounds of Facebook. I posted it on my page where it prompted a string of punny comments -- mainly between Martin of Square Sunshine and me.
It was so much fun, I didn't want it to get lost so am posting it here -- with apologies to those of you who read it the first time. And if you're not a fan of truly bad puns, just keep moving -- nothing to see here.
It was Merry who started it....
- Merry Elrick - Lettuce make you smile!*
- Martin Hodges - Pepper to abandon ship!*
- Vicki Lane - But, alas, the captain was as cool as a cucumber and the doomed ship steamed on....*
- Martin Hodges - Even though the crew had used the last rocket*Vicki Lane - "Perhaps at last I'll get some peas,' thought the hen-pecked husband as he saw his nagging wife loaded into the last lifeboat.*
- Martin Hodges - She received many compliments, but they were wasted on her, as she was parsley deaf.*
- Vicki Lane - Good grief -- where does the time go! I must get out and pull some weeds. But before I leaf, I wanted to mention that though her hair was frisee and she was chilled to the marrow, Tara was recognized by a reporter on the rescue ship as RuPaul's infamous younger sister, Ru (wait for it) Barb.

Goodness gracious, you smarties sure got a lot out of one photo!
These are great - sometimes groaningly so - but fun nevertheless! Very, very clever stuff.
On your post about the cemetery, am I looking at William Griffins grave wrong? Born 1854. Died 1927.
Age 53 years. Maybe I'm not seeing the numbers correctly.
I sure got a good chuckle over that first thing in the morning! What keen minds to come up with such comments.
That's hysterical! How did I miss it the first time round?
Made my day!!! I was captivated. You all are such wits!!!! What a treasure in words!!! Have a wonderful day! Cathy
Wordsmiths to food puns like a baby to candy! Most enjoyable.
lol...that was a riot...glad you captured it to entertain us...smiles...
Sue, That's what it says. I hadn't noticed but there is, indeed, some odd math going on there.
Martin always cracks me up!
You made me *snort* ... much appreciation for the morning chuckles! :-)))
You are hereby inducted into the comment-thread Hall of Fame!
I loved it the first time around and, like a good meal, it was worth repeating....
How fun. I'm a great fan of puns. Somewhere we have a joke book of puns.
Best read I've had in a very long time! Thanks for sharing.
So clever - all of you!
I'm crying with laughing now. There's nothing I like more than some clever and witty wordplay, from the hands of masters here! Thanks so much for sharing this.
I just came over from Martin's blog and laughed til I was red in the race .... Yes, I did a LOL au Rossi!
*gets coat*
This is so funny - so clever too! :-)
Bravo to all...that was hilarious! :)
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