Thursday, October 8, 2009

Virginia Creeper

The Virginia Creeper across the window screen of our bedroom is a lovely barometer of Fall's progress. I've watched the leaves slowly replace green with these tender pinks and corals. Eventually, the leaves should turn a deep red.

I love seeing the sun light them up . . . which is why I haven't been able to bring myself to tear them down yet. Vines growing on the screens -- I can hear my mother fussing right now.

Someone did tear down part of them and my money is on this young fella. He's been hitting the front porch in search of spilled dog food and the bird feeders for sunflower seed. He's darling, of course, but he has his little ways -- digs in my potted plants and poops in the bird feeder.

All part of Fall and part of country living. The potted plants will come in soon. I'll just keep cleaning out the bird feeder. And soon we'll take down the screens and say goodbye to Virginia for a while -- till she comes creeping back in the Spring.

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Pat in east TN said...

The Virginia Creeper is beautiful ... what color!

All kinds of wildlife seem to be coming in and helping themselves to my bird feeders, as do the deer with my various berry plants, and yesterday afternoon a mama black bear and her two little ones went romping along in our woods behind the house. Good gosh, we don't know what to expect next! HA!

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

Virginia creeper is one of the first to show fall colors. So pretty.

Burr.....42 here in the mountains this morning. More leaves will be changing now.

Vicki Lane said...

Hey, Pat --- Our neighbor over the mountain told me they saw a mama bear with FOUR cubs up near the top. We haven't sighted them yet but when I came in last night after my clss, two of the dogs were after something and there was a smell in the air of something wild -- strong, maybe a fox.

And it's chilly here too, Sam -- got to think about hauling those plants in pretty soon

Carol Murdock said...

Love that Virginia Vicki! That coon is a cutie too! I guess I'm not gonna be your part-time neighbor, didn't get a call from DIY Network! :(

Merisi said...

Such naughty little fellow! ;-)

Virginia Creeper seems to be a favorite of my neighborhood. Lots and lots of color all around.
Our house in DC was covered with ivy and my husband had to cut it back thrice a year, otherwise the little creepers would have taken over in no time. The little roots on the screen left permanent marks.

Liz said...

Carol - They are not announcing the DIY winner until October 28th - and now the prize is $500K NOT the cabin! So you are still in the running - except that I am going to win! LOL. Good Luck - Sorry Vicki - didn't mean to hijack your thread.

Tess Kincaid said...

We have a lot of Virginia Creeper creeping around the manor. It is beautiful this time of year.

WT just cut the ivy, that had completely grown over the front windows, off this week. I know it must be done, but the romantic in me hates to see it go!

Vicki Lane said...

Hmmm, let's not mention to my husband about the vine leaving marks on the screen.

There's something romantic about a view seen through things -- vines, gridwork on windows (is that called muntins?), a veil, a keyhole . . .

Eliane Zimmermann said...

My parents in law have an enormous similar creeper on one side of their house. As my boys once played near it they hit it with a ball and out rushed hundreds of sparrows who were nesting or sleeping there. It really looked very funny although I felt sorry for having disturbed the little birds.