Friday, October 9, 2009

Tender Blooms

The nasturtiums, such tropical-looking beauties, are having a last fling before frost.

Incredibly satisfactory flowers -- they're edible too. As are the leaves.

Nasturtiums are native to Peru. They were brought to Europe in the 1600's where they were grown in monastery herb gardens for their medicinal qualities. (Nasturtiums are high in Vitamin C and have anti-bacterial qualities.)

I'll try to save seed for next year -- they do self-sow to some extent, but usually in the garden pathways rather than in the beds where I'd like them to be.

As always, click on the pictures to 'biggify' and enjoy the intricacies of the blooms.

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Reader Wil said...

Great macro photos Vicki! I know that the leaves of the Nasturtiums are edible, but I didn't know about the flowers. I've learnt again something new.Thanks!
This afternoon I am going to fetch the next two books and I am looking forward to reading about Elizabeth !

Tess Kincaid said...

So, they're tasty, as well as gorgeous? Hmm, I must try them.

Carol Murdock said...

Really pretty Vicki! I've never grown these. I did know that you could eat though. :)

Vicki Lane said...

The flowers are a lovely sweetish, pepperyish addition to a green salad. (Elizabeth grows them and supplies them to restaurants.)