Thursday, October 19, 2023

An Outage of Cows

Louise and I were going to spend a pleasant day with watercolors so I went down to the lower place to pick her up, only to be confronted with cows where they didn't belong.

Alas, my little cow-herding buddy was in school, and John was elsewhere. I'm no Border Collie and I move quite slowly but fortunately, the cows know where they belong and trundle back to the gate with me hirpling along behind. (I only recently discovered the word hirpling, a Scots term for hobbling and I  am making it my own.)

Easily done. But it reminded me of a time forty some years ago when I had Justin in a carrier on my back and I chased after our wandering milk cow across the hard road and around the mountain. I got her turned around eventually and back to the barn, but, lordy! I couldn't do that now. 

Old times they are not forgotten.



Anvilcloud said...

"Hirpling." I love it. That's my one and only gait these days, hirpling . I can tell you that spellcheck want nothing to do with hirpling. Nor whinging, which is a word that I used in today's blog.

Marcia said...

Hirpling must be what I do when I get up from a chair after sitting too long.

An outage of cows is a good one too.

Barbara Rogers said...

Those cows! So sorry you had to hirpling them back home again. And I hope you got to play with watercolors as a reward!

Sandra Parshall said...

I'm hirpling right along with you, but fortunately I only have cats to herd, and they respond well to treats.

jennyfreckles said...

What a wonderfully descriptive word. I'm not even going to type it, me and the spellchecker don't get on - but you know the one I mean. As for the cows, they must think the grass is greener elsewhere but it probably isn't!