Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Intimations of Autumn


It's time to begin bringing in the non-hardy plants. It's been cool at night--in the forties--and no frost warning as yet but still, it's time. 

I've moved a few of the tenderest but keep putting off moving this glorious fuchsia because I love seeing it first thing in the morning. It's bloomed continuously since Mother's Day and doesn't seem inclined to stop.

Just the beginnings of color on the hills--dogwoods and Virginia creeper and poison ivy are showing red. 

We have hay and wood and fuel oil laid in and we finally closed all the windows yesterday. John is looking forward to a respite from the mowing and weed-eating that has occupied most of his time these past few months. 

I love these cooler days and the clear blue sky. In my opinion, Fall is a close second to Spring. Spring is flinging open the windows and going forth. Fall is drawing in, being cozy by the fire, time for soups and stews. It's a slightly bitter-sweet time but all the more enjoyable for its brief stay before Winter has us in its icy grip.




Anvilcloud said...

Our windows are now closed as well as we try to keep in whatever heat that we can. Right now, it is about 45 outside and 64 inside, so we survive a little longer without engaging central heating.

Barbara Rogers said...

Those Fuchsia are certainly beautiful! I am not able to admire my big ole' coleus up on the railing because it is top heavy and becomes a sail with the winds we've been having. Yes, plants are now inside, and I've asked all the spiders to stay outside.

Sandra Parshall said...

We brought our houseplants in from the porch when the nighttime temps went down to 60. That's supposedly the lower limit for tropical plants. Not much color here yet. Our winter forecast calls for more snow than we've had in years, thanks to El Niño, and we're not looking forward to that.