One piece comes with two funky barns and a lovely view.
We poked our heads in the gray barn and found what looked to be an ad hoc sort of a gentlemen's club--a couple of lawn chairs, an empty whiskey bottle, and other evidence of leisure activity.
Country charm, as a realtor might say.
Adjoining this acreage and higher up was another bit of land with a nice house and a fine view.
So much to love about these mountains! But wait, said Justin, you need to see the place where I'm working these days. It's just up the road. . .
So we piled into our various vehicles (all 4WD, up being the operative word here.) After twisting and winding up and up and up a one lane gravel road for what seemed like a very long time, we came to Justin's work site.

Now, that's a view! (Yes, we cautioned Josie to stay away from the edge.)
It was breath-taking. And the wind's gentle murmur and the sparkle of the sun on yellow leaves enhanced the experience.
Blue Elephant was along for the adventure, of course.
The rather tiny house that Justin and Gilberto (of Good Morning Builders) are working on is set a little below the top for protection from the wind. I assume it's meant as a vacation house--the road could be a real challenge in winter.
What a great spot for contemplation!
I look forward to seeing pictures of it when it's completed.
So much beauty down the backroads of our county. (This particular backroad is just across the street from Josie's school and there are many houses and farms along it.)
So tempting ...
Such beautiful views from there. I can see the attraction but like you said winter would be a problem.
As I've said before, the NC mountains are among the most beautiful places in the world.
Such beauty, all over these mountains. Lovin' it all! OK, I don't think that's a good place even for a meditation/vacation spot. But that's just me. I'm glad they at least have a gravel road in place for one car at a time. I prefer homes nestled into mountains rather than sticking out from them. But the mountain will grow up around it probably.
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