Sunday, October 29, 2023

There Seems to Be an Art Critic in the House

Rummaging through my painting stuff, I came across these mutilated attempts. I can't decide if Bailey chewed on them because she liked them or hated them.

Which reminds me of a story. Early in our marriage, we acquired a dog--a Beagle/Brittany Spaniel mix. Juno was a puppy and, as puppies will do, she chewed up things. Including our checkbook. When John and I went to the bank to get a new one, the teller asked why and John said, "My wife chewed up the checkbook."

 The look that teller gave me was priceless.  It took a moment, but then John realized what he'd actually said and quickly corrected his mistake.

 I treasure the memory.

That's Juno, our first of many dogs, below--painted by John's uncle Robert Skemp--a well-known portrait painter and marine artist. Right good at dogs, too. It took him about twenty minutes.



Barbara Rogers said...

Dogs and paintings...mmm. So sorry your nice vase painting became a taste for a dog! Love the portrait!

Anvilcloud said...

Metaphorically, wives can kind of chew up checkbooks. 😊

Sandra Parshall said...

I hope you're moving your artwork to a hound-proof storage space! It would be a shame to lose more. Love the painting. People with that kind of quick and easy talent leave me agog with envy.

jennyfreckles said...

Oops, it seems dogs do love to sample things. Usually shoes in my daughter's household.