Wednesday, January 18, 2023

"Boys . . ."


As I was fixing my breakfast, I was reminded of a (possibly apocryphal) story about Bill Monroe, Father of Bluegrass. 

Some years ago, Monroe and his band The Bluegrass Boys were on tour up north. At their hotel, breakfast was laid out buffet-style. Bill went first and after a few puzzled moments, turned to warn the group, "Boys, don't touch those doughnuts. They're hard and they're cold and they ain't a bit sweet."  


Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

I'm guessing they were bagels, right?

Barbara Rogers said...

Ah, the southern men who had biscuits every morning...they sure missed out on things like Bagels...and maybe what I'm having today, English Muffins!

Anvilcloud said...

I don’t love bagels for the most part, but when I can get sun dried tomato bagels toasted and buttered at the coffee shop, I am very happy about it.

Sandra Parshall said...

Well, he was absolutely right about that.

Anonymous said...

Years ago, at a boarding house where my parents and other seasonal workers ate their noon meal, tapioca pudding was served. One fellow, from a small town far back in the mountains, finished his meal before the others. (Everyone had a limited time for the noon meal, so service was family style and dessert appeared as soon as each diner finish his or her main meal.) Someone noticed he didn't pick up the spoon - he just sat looking at the dessert, so they asked him if there was a problem. He looked a little puzzled and said, "Well, I was just wonderin' if you chew 'em up or just swaller 'em whole." (Seems to me like a perfectly reasonable question.)

Sandra Parshall said...

This has made me crave a hot glazed Krispy Kreme donut right out of the cooker. Best eaten right there in the store before it cools. A person has not truly lived without this experience.