A hard morning rain . . .
Clematis and roses . . .
Hens line the perch, keeping their feet clean . . .

But by the little waterfall, the Japanese iris delight in mud . . .

The iris are so beautiful that I am consumed with a desire for more . . . a trip to town and I find one -- a slightly different shade of purple. . .

It rides in the backseat . . . a haughty beauty . . . and I return home to clearing evening skies.

But by the little waterfall, the Japanese iris delight in mud . . .
The iris are so beautiful that I am consumed with a desire for more . . . a trip to town and I find one -- a slightly different shade of purple. . .
It rides in the backseat . . . a haughty beauty . . . and I return home to clearing evening skies.

Beautiful pictures, as usual, and your newest iris is simply lovely.
We got only 'leftovers' of storms that moved through, but one storm got us last evening with more wind then rain ... my entire garden is flattened! Most everything I can work with/salvage but the corn is a goner.
Oh, Pat -- the heartbreak of gardening -- time to replant. I only got my corn in last week and it's growing 'like one thing!'
Vicki, did you happen to see Verlyn Klinkborg's essay in yesterday's NYT? The "wordless" in your title make me think of it. I enjoy his pieces about living in the country and so forth.
Now, back to the garden. Our potatoes were flattened, but I think they'll be fine. Our only hope for tomatoes this year is the three heirlooms I ordered. The others from wherever myhusband got them in Knoxville (Wal-mart?) look pathetic. Is it too late to start some more? Probably. And blight will be likely, because of so much rain. I just took some photos of my Asian lily and a local turtle. Cute little guy.
We just don't have room for corn. Boo-hoo.
Vicki....thank you for the wonderful rain shower pics!!!
I feel cooler somehow! It's 91 and DRY here!
Kay, I'm a fan of Klinkborg's essays -- and that one was a beauty.
If you can get some good tomato starts, I'd say there was plenty of time for them to 'make.' Yeah, blight is likely with the rain -- I need to get some hay at the base of my maters. Supposedly that keeps the blight spores in the soil from splashing up on the plants.
Carol, honey! 91?!? Go get a glass of ice tea and sit in the shade!
You have the most beautiful garden Vicki. I love the waterfall - it's adorable. We got rain here too. That is a great photo of the rain shower.
Hey, Sam -- Thanks for the kind words. We've been working at the garden etc for almost 35 years now.
The little waterfall is my younger son's creation -- he's a gifted rock mason.
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