Friday, March 14, 2025


Signs of the season -- John's touching up the paint on the blue benches . . .

The early solid yellow daffs are joined by these bi-colors . . .


And Brer Snake is back, looking  skinny.

And this below is what greeted my eyes as I took our tax stuff to the preparer (another sign of spring.). I remember when this was a wooded mountainside. I know that people have to have places to live, but damn! Couldn't they have left some more trees?



Barbara Rogers said...

My daffs are sisters of yours! Tree removal makes it easier for construction, but not for long term environment. Sad.

Anvilcloud said...

And hordes of geese have returned here.

Marcia said...

They will regret all those trees removed come the next big storm. Lovely bench.

Sandra Parshall said...

The loss of trees is a major problem in Northern Virginia, and here in our own neighborhood. The developers plant little matchstick trees to replace them, but those take decades to reach any size. We still have 9 mature trees and 3 smaller ones on our little half acre, but we know that after we're both gone the property will be sold to a developer and at least some trees will be cut down. We have hopes for the survival of our huge old dogwood, our massive dawn redwood, and the evergreens along the back property line because they wouldn't be in the way of building a new house. The black maple and the cherries and the two young dogwoods will all go. But you can never predict what people will do. I have seen big lots scraped bare of beautiful trees and shrubs, and it literally makes me cry.

jennyfreckles said...

I love your blue bench. Very sad about those trees.