Friday, March 7, 2025

A Book for Calder


My talented friend Louise came over to paint and showed me this charming series picturing her dogs Stokely and Pippi on a rabbit hunt. The book that it will become is to be a gift for her grandson Calder.

 I LOVE these lively images as the dogs encounter all the wild creatures but the rabbit, till finally, scared by a bear, they run home to dream of rabbits.





Barbara Rogers said...

Oh what fun paintings! I'm glad to have read the story first, so I could see the steps that the paintings illustrated so well! Yep, laughing out loud over here!

Marcia said...

Very charming. I'm surprised you haven't done that with your Rabbit, Rabbit series.

Sandra Parshall said...

What a wonderful gift for a child! Something to treasure forever.

Jayna said...

Delightful! Lucky Calder!