Monday, March 24, 2025

In Praise of Chinese Cabbage

. . .or Napa, as the grocery store calls it. I was preparing to cut up a few leaves to add to my lunch time ramen when the sunlight hit them and I had to take some pictures.

A delightful bed for the Fairy Queen-- or maybe one of the Castle People.

I'm entranced by the patterns on the leaves.

All this beauty-- and it's so delicious, raw or briefly cooked. I think that the rest of this head is destined for a salad with an Asian type citrus dressing. Crunch! Crunch!



Sandra Parshall said...

Is this grown locally?

Anvilcloud said...

Nice with backlight shining thru.

Marcia said...


TIL I Can Make It On My Own said...

I miss you. I’m so sorry for what Americans are going through. Please know we felt betrayed hurt and frustrated by the orange one and the unqualified appointments he made but never for a moment have lost faith in my American family and friends. Be safe and strong. Hope you and John are well.
I hope Josie enjoyed the dance with her father. She looks so sweet and has a wonderful daddy. Big hugs, Bernie ❤️❤️

Jayna said...

So pretty in the sun!

How was the Daddy Daughter Dance?

Vicki Lane said...

Bernie! I miss you too! We are trying to hang on to hope. Jayna, Both Daddy and Daughter had a good time (though Josie confides that Daddy is not much of a dancer.

Vicki Lane said...

I didn't check--it may be.

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