Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Soul Work



As, one after another, I crank out my amateurish watercolors, I contemplate the joy of doing a thing for its own sake with no thought of 'monetizing' the work. I'm happy to be an amateur, a nonprofessional, not very skilled practioner, but also (taking the word back to its Latin roots) one working for the love of it.


 I continue to try to paint from life (except for that rose which was an exercise in a work book. I would never have chosen that brown background.)

I happened on this rather appropriate quote from Kurt Vonnegut:
"To practice any art, no matter how well or how badly, is a way to make your soul grow, for heaven's sake. So do it."



Anvilcloud said...

I can appreciate how satisfying this must be.

Marcia said...

Do you listen to anything while you paint or just reflect?

Vicki lane said...

I've been listening to recorded books. A lot of PG Wodehouse and now I, Claudius

Sandra Parshall said...

I used to work in my garden just for pleasure. Take photos of flowers, birds, squirrels, rabbits, deer just for pleasure. Visited the pandas at the National Zoo just for pleasure. The ability to do that is gone now, but I still have my photos. If. you need more inspiration for paintings, I can send you some of my photos. 😀