Sunday, March 2, 2025



 I am incandescent with rage at the shameful treatment accorded Zelensky during the made for tv tag team/grudge match orchestrated by the White House.   

 For the first time in its history, our country's leaders are openly backing an aggressive, pitiless dictator in his invasion of a sovereign nation. 

 The craven ego of our president demands praise and submission. 

Kudos to Zelensky for not imitating most of the GOP and kissing the big orange ass!


Marcia said...

Applause for your comment. I heartedly agree.

Anvilcloud said...

It's the GOP, even more that Rumpy, that disgusts me . . . assuming that is possible.

Barbara Rogers said...

The clown is surrounded by thousands of people who just are yes-men...and whenever some truth about all the rest of us comes through, he just shrugs it off in a continuing's all an act to him. Performance! Theater! I wonder if there are any stats as a result of the boycott last week. But who would gather them, anyway? I'll keep my eyes open.

Sandra Parshall said...

The whole display by trump and Vance literally made me sick. Then the weasels and suck-ups in the republican party joined in, further disgracing the U.S. in the eyes of the world. I was enraged when a sister mystery writer on Facebook scolded Facebookers for their outpouring of "I stand with Ukraine" memes. She said the only country a patriot can stand with is our own, and regardless of how we feel about trump, we have to stand with him on this. 🙄🙄🙄 A lot of people have unfriended and blocked her. Facebookers are overwhelmingly supporting Zelensky and Ukraine.
On another sad subject, I hope your area is out of reach of the fires. I'm alarmed that the fires are so close to Asheville.