Saturday, March 15, 2025

Breaking Through

Aha! My new (refurbished but looks new) laptop arrived, and I've been putting in time setting it up and downloading photos.

Much of it seems to happen automatically--linked with my phone and the tablet I was using. There are still wrinkles to iron out because I'm woefully ignorant about computers, but I endeavor to persevere.

And it's very nice to have a keyboard again.

In other news, our representative, Chuck Edwards, showed up for a rowdy, angry, overflowing Town Hall in Asheville. I emailed and thanked him for having the guts to show up when Speaker Johnson had discouraged his GOP members from holding Town Hall, saying it was outside agitators doing the disruption. 

Outside agitators--the same thing they said about civil rights demonstrators and people protesting the Vietnam war. Just keep lying and maybe it will all go away seems to be their playbook.



Anvilcloud said...

Great title to go with the photo and even the rest.

Marcia said...

Too many representatives have isolated themselves so it's good yours got an earful!

Sandra Parshall said...

I never go anywhere these days except doctors' offices, but I enjoy getting out and seeing all the signs of spring. Sneezing and sniffling a lot because of my horrible maple pollen allergy, but signs of new life are always cheering.

Sandra Parshall said...

I was working in West Virginia as a baby journalist during the War on Poverty, and the VISTA volunteers and Appalachian Volunteers were branded outside agitators and "poverty tourists" because they were educated people trying to help the poor improve their lives. That label resurfaces every time republicans get some pushback they don't like.

Barbara Rogers said...

I watched some of Edwards' town hall, but was particularly struck by 2000+ who couldn't even get into the 300 seat venue. (Photos on my blog today). What did it achieve? We got to see how he handled disruption (pretty well I'd say...smooth!) and how he had a few facts wrong (fact checker found 3) but all in all, a good thing. Spring flowers even more so!