Corn, tomatoes, peppers, squash, beans, cucumbers, broccoli, kale, collards, lettuce, to name a few, are the staples of our garden. But it's always fun to try something new.
Tipper, over at BLIND PIG , sent me some seeds from a local (Asheville) company that sells heirloom, non-GMO seeds. I'm excited to learn about Sow True -- these days when Monsanto seems to be trying to take over agriculture, I think it's vital to support our small, independent companies. And I've never grown lima beans -- I look forward to seeing what Dixie Speckled Butterpea Bush Beans taste like!

And then there's the Glass Gem corn! There was a drawing on Facebook to win five seeds of this gorgeous corn and I carried on in public about how much I wanted to win.
I didn't win but Dannie, a friend in my writing class, found seeds on ebay and presented me with a little silken bag containing ten!
I started the little jewels on the porch and when they'd made some size. transplanted them to their special spot in the garden -- right next to the Dixie Speckled Butterpeas!
Last of all -- artichokes! Inspired by my one artichoke plant (now in its fourth year) that produced five artichokes last summer, I've been pestering the good folks at Reems Creek Nursery about artichoke plants. Finally Ruth called to let me know they were ready and I had her set aside eight for me
I tucked those babies into the bed above the rock wall and am nourishing visions of an overflowing abundance of artichokes in the coming years.
Holy cow... that IS real corn!!! Just imagine how colorful your poop would be!
I've never seen anything remotely like Glass Gem corn before. That's something special!
omg...that is incredible looks more like art...
I wonder if you could use it for colored popcorn?
We ordered seeds from an independent seed company this year. Heirloom seeds without the genetic mutations. Very exciting!
Vicki-can't wait to see how you like the beans! And I'll be anxiously awaiting your corn result too-just wow!
Oh, I wish I had enough sunny space for a garden! Boo to Monsanto and hooray to true seeds. Good luck!
I have my special corn bed just about ready. You can't imangine how much rock we got from on 20x20 plot. I'm going to try the three sisters Indian tradition of planint all three in hills.
Dannie -- just hoed my special corn this morning and realized I'm going to have to rig some protection from crows and coons...
Dannie -- just hoed my special corn this morning and realized I'm going to have to rig some protection from crows and coons...
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