I went outside, thinking to take a picture of the Autumn Joy sedum which has just begun to blush pink. It was my plan to take pictures of it and other signs of the coming Fall.
But then I took a closer look and was entranced by all the buggy busy-ness going on atop those blushing blooms.
A bumblebee . . .
Two attractive creatures I have no names for . . .

But I think this velvet-winged whatever-it's-called is a real beauty.
But I think this velvet-winged whatever-it's-called is a real beauty.
A honeybee -- a welcome sight as so many have died . . .
My birthday is September 22nd the last day of Virgo, the 1st day of Fall. Fall is my favorite season and I always want to visit the mountains in the fall. It seems to be coming early this year and I'm wondering are we just being fooled by Mother Nature? Your Sedum is gorgeous, I used to grow it myself but don't have any on the farm. I didn't get to visit yesterday but I just read your Southern post and really enjoyed the post and comments! :)
Autumn is also my favourit season, provided that the weather is sunny.I've also got sedum and it attracts bumble bees like yours, but there aren't any butterflies.
Thanks for your visit. Yes, the recorder is more difficult than people think especially if one starts playing Bach, Handel, Vivaldi and Lully, who all had composed for this instrument. I had been taught to play it for years but I found it getting more and more difficult to play baroque music. My teacher was Marieke, whom I have written about.
Carol -- Fall is undoubtedly a fine time to be in the mountains but, for the first time in many years I'm not champing at the bit waiting for summer to be gone. The plentiful rain and moderate temperatures have made this a wonderful summer.
Reader Wil -- No butterflies at all? Ever?
Hi there, Kathryn! Welcome!
Laughing at that last picture and your comment. Laughing at myself, too, because I couldn't see at first what the sedum was blushing about, lol. (I just got new glasses today; I think I might have to take them back).
All these pictures improve immensely if you click on them to 'biggify!' (Love that feature!)
Oh, sheesh. I forgot I could do that! Honestly, my memory...
My stars, those bugs look like their having a really good time! ;-)
Doin' the buggy boogie.
What a beautiful sedum.
It will turn a deeper pink as the weeks go on. A truly satisfactory plant in all its stages. Even in winter its dry seed heads are attractive.
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