Saturday, October 4, 2008

This is a Test

Really, it is. I had a long post on another subject and Blogger keeps rejecting it. So I'm trying this. Maybe Ali Ali will be more to Blogger's liking.

But while I'm here, let me ask you to weigh in on the survey to your right. Inquiring minds want to know.

I'll try tomorrow with the other post.
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Susan M. Bell said...

I too have had odd issues with blogger. One I posted on the group blog just wouldn't hold the format. So, I didn't post it, just left it in the batch to be posted, went back to it at a later date and it worked fine. Go figure.

Vicki Lane said...

Yeah, I've totally redone the post I had trouble with but will wait till tomorrow to try it. Stay tuned for The Tears of the Yunwi Tsunsdi, Blogger willing.