Monday, January 8, 2024

It's Kinda Addictive


It's been gloomy and cold all day--it was actually snowing lightly when I took this picture--but it mattered not because I was in the pantry, continuing to wrestle order out of chaos.


These two shelves have been annoying me for some time. Put one thing back and two fall off. Plus, there is some serious redundancy going on.  How many cans of lemon spray furniture wax does one need anyway?                                                    
With all these cleaning, polishing, waxing, deodorizing supplies, I don't know why we're not cleaner. Could be the dogs; could be my disinclination to clean every day. As the meme says: I dusted the house. The dust came back. Not falling for that again.

Still, it's a fine feeling to have room on the shelves--a lot of the extras went to the basement. And, having gotten the most challenging bit over with, I continued on to the No Man's Land between the refrigerator and the shelves--a narrow strip that was the repository for items that fell off the shelves and didn't get picked up, due to being out of easy reach. Also, odds and ends that missed the paper recycling bag. Done, thanks to my grabber!

Moving on, I tidied and edited two of the food shelves--discovering some ancient, pitted dates that are still edible, if a tad hard. The internet suggests covering them with boiling water for ten minutes.  Worth a try.

But this kind of cleaning (once every thirty or so years) really is addictive--and lots more fun than dusting.                                                     


Anvilcloud said...

That's an impressive collection of cleaning products.

Barbara Rogers said...

Wow, what a lot of cleaning things there! Like the ide of a microwave tucked into the pantry. Hey, I had a microwave in my blog today too...maybe there's another out there, to round off things into threes.

Anonymous said...

Admirable, brava!
I spent the rainy then snowy weekend cooped up inside. On Thursday a memorable event took place: For the first time ever, I attacked the Christmas tree before January 6, on the 4th of January, in the late afternoon, taking off the ornaments, my husband joined in getting the lights out of the branches and pulling the tree the two blocks to the dedicated recycling spot. Woohoo!
The weekend was spent cleaning up and stowing away all Christmas paraphernalia.
Merisi xo

Sandra Parshall said...

We have similar duplications and clutter. But I have gotten rid of about 50 cookbooks and a ton of clothes, so I've made some progress. We will have to hire someone to remove clutter from the basement and garage. I can't even walk, much less clean out a garage.

Marcia said...

Looks like you gained a shelf in cleaning out the cleaning products. Keep it up. Being organized has a good vibe.

JJM said...

That meme about dust is one of my life's mottos, as well. It hangs as a cross-stitched sampler framed right next to the one that says: "I made the bed. Next morning, it was all rumpled again. Not falling for that one again, either."

Those shelves, Vicki, are a veritable shrine to the god of good intentions. Oddly, I've got one just like it.