Wednesday, January 17, 2024

A Bit of Snow

Tuesday--Not much of a snow but it's cold-- temp in the low twenties and dropping. John headed out to take stuff for the dumpsters and recycling and found our road quite icy. He slid to the lower place and decided not to go farther. So he left the truck down there and walked up.

But the critters are fed; the water is dripping (to keep the pipes from freezing;) we have wood and fuel oil; and are reasonably warm inside.

County schools are closed.

It's always an uneasy time with cold weather--waiting for the water to freeze and/or the power to go off. But we've dealt with these things many times (oh, that blizzard of '93, aka The Storm of the Century.) This is just a little snow. And the sun actually came out around four!



Sandra Parshall said...

Another storm coming Thursday night and Friday. I've gotten used to mild winters the past few years, and this return to snow and 10 degrees is a shock.Hoping the sun will melt more snow before the next storm arrives. The whole DC area, of course, has been a mess, with lots of traffic accidents.

Anvilcloud said...

It is not good when the roads get slippery. Due to our winters, roads aren't allowed to get too slippery for too long. Otherwise we would be be shut in for the duration, and that is no way for a society to function.

Barbara Rogers said...

Just a little snow, but enough to make those driveways on hills very slippery. Glad your hubby decided to stay home. I am kind of tired of being a shut-in, and was a bit sick yesterday. Canceled my dentist for today. But nothing really wrong except feeling like a toadstool. Yes, all pipes happily dripping, which was good to add a bit of humidity to the apartment. Schools in Buncombe county just let out 2 hours early yesterday. Loooong cold spell upon us. Glad you're well prepared.

Marcia said...

We had such a nice snow yesterday. Granddaughter #2 when cross country skiing with her mom after school while I met granddaughter #1 at bus then later took her to basketball practice. The snow is just in time for Friday's downhill skiing - a school event on Fridays for several weeks. Some students opt for swimming.