Thursday, January 18, 2024

Josie's Snow Day With Snow

No school again! Monday was MLK Day and I stayed with Meema. Tuesday was a snow day and even Mama didn't go to work so I stayed home with her. Wednesday school was closed AGAIN and the road up to Meema and Grumpy's was so icy that me and Daddy had to walk up. I took my short cut and Meema saw me coming and took a picture through the window. Daddy was on the road and he was yelling You can't go that way. But I did

I had some homework to do so after pancakes, I got started. 

There was a thing about being a good citizen at school. 

Grumpy said he would help but I could do it myself. I think I am a good citizen at school.

I did lots of stuff. Me and Meema played Go Fish. She won one and I won one. 

Then I organized the shelves where my games and art supplies and stuff are. First, I took everything out. There were some crumpled pieces of paper that Meema tried to throw away, but I grabbed them from her and put them in a box. When Meema fussed, I told her I would use them for crafts.

Do you see how nice it looks now? I found lots of stuff I'd forgotten about. 

Like this book. I worked on it while I ate lunch.

It is a pirate story but you have to fill in the blanks. I named the pirate ship The Purple Octopus.

I had forgotten about my paper dolls! There are two girls. One has yellow hair and is a princess. The other has dark hair and is a rock star. 

They have lots of clothes and while Meema was cutting out some more, I got to work making houses for them.

The princess's house is red and her bathroom is pink with a gold sink and a white toilet. the toilet paper holder is blue

Her kitchen has high shelves with cans of soup on them.

In the princess's living room is a big pink and gold couch. 

The rock star has a black house and most of her furniture is gray because those are the colors she likes. She does have some blue walls.

It was a good day. I ate some of the chocolate chip pumpkin bread we made on Monday, and I read a bunch of books. Meema was surprised that I could read the word PERSEVERANCE, but I told her it was another virtue, like PATIENCE. And I do know what it means--to keep on trying even if something is hard to do.

You are something else, says Meema.

And I did a little vacuuming.



Barbara Rogers said...

Busy busy day! So much activity for one young person! I have forgotten that there is constant attention being given as young ones absorb everything around them, and ask for more!

Anvilcloud said...

Josie's education proceeded anyway.

Sandra Parshall said...

She is indeed something else. It's good that she has so many interests and doesn't play video games or watch TV all the time. Those blue shelves are packed!

JJM said...

"Perseverance" at, what, six? Impressive! I just hope she doesn't end up feeling bored at school because the classes have become too easy for her.

elina said...

Snow days like these are full of surprises! Get peace of mind with our accurate Snow Day predictor to predict school closures, and enjoy your day with fewer worries about road conditions or work schedules