Dino and I got in a boat. My aunt Fay gave me Dino for Christmas. Dino is a triceratops and she is very pretty.
Later on, Grumpy and I talked about pirates and he told me about Blackbeard who lived in North Carolina a long time ago. Grumpy showed me a picture of him and his big black beard that he put burning stuff in. And Grumpy even has a flag like Blackbeard's. AND, Grumpy told me that Meema had written a book with Blackbeard in it. (Editor's note: Never published, but it got me an agent.)
So I drew a picture of Blackbeard on a post-it note for Grumpy. He has a pirate hat with a skull and crossbones on it and a big black beard with fire burning in it.
PS: Meema was a little cranky when it was time to take me home and I was drawing on my tablet. Close that NOW she said. Your mama is expecting us!
Just one second I said.
It's been one second she said. Close it NOW.
Just be patient I said.
PATIENT? she said Close it!
Do you know what a virtue is I said and she said yes she knew that patience is a virtue. (She was really getting cranky now.)
Well, you don't have that virtue I told her. And she said something about my daddy getting the child he deserved because when he was little, he always argued too.
And then she took me home. She said I had done an extra good job with reading (I read most of four books) and with clean up.)
We could see snow on the far mountains when we went out to the car. It was a good day to be a pirate queen.

What a day! Nobody has to entertain Josie. She has the imagination to do it herself. And she's not sitting in front of the TV watching cartoons.
It's nice to know she considers the locket a treasure. 😀
What a great day of pirate queen's escapades! SO glad they've been recorded by She who Hasn't That Virtue! Good thing you have other virtues!
Great imagination. She might follow in Meema's footsteps.
It made me tired just reading about everything Josey did in one day! Oh to have that much energy!
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