Words and pictures from the author of And the Crows Took Their Eyes as well as the Elizabeth Goodweather Appalachian Mysteries . . .
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Out and About
The unseasonably warm weather has brought out a Northern Water Snake, warming himself at the feet of the crane . . . . The clematis are blooming . . . Last year's collards are bolting -- pretty yellow flowers signalling the end. Time to pull them up and give them to the chickens, making room for new plants.
The asparagus are shooting up -- needing to be picked almost every day.
I'm encouraging them with a nice thick mulch of shaving and horse manure -- courtesy of Ruby, our tenants' horse, and of John, who brought it up to the garden
Willa and Ali enjoy digging holes.
Miss Susie Hutchins watches in smug superiority.
William relaxes.
That isn't a weed, there on the edge of the asparagus bed.
It's Blue-Eyed Grass -- a tiny wild iris. The bloom is about the size of my little finger nail.
The thrift, aka creeping phlox, is beginning to fade.
Lilies of the valley -- one of my very favorite fragrances-- are blooming.
In the same shady woodland garden, a Wake Robin peeks out.
I think these are Spanish Squills -- but they could be English wood hyacinths...
This below is a native yellow trillium.
I cleared out the old collards and kale and broccoli, John tilled up the box beds, and I got some seeds in -- hoping for rain soon
This rhododendron starts out with coral buds, opens pale pink, and eventually becomes a pretty pinkish-yellow.
Another wild iris -- Crested Dwarf Iris grow at the edge of the woods.
Hi Vicki...sorry for being such a stranger but moving has been on my agenda. Now in Daytona Beach. Love it though. Very different and living alone is taking some getting used to. Your pictures just never cease to amaze me. You have a great eye and I enjoy whatever you post. Keep them coming! Hope all is well with you and yours. Hugs.
what a lovely walk....went for a hike the other day and began looking for the snakes...will be any day now that we see them....its been incredibly warm here this week...
Lilies of the Valley are among my favorites too, they always bring a rush of childhood memories. Thanks for the wonderful look at your mountainside this morning. I am missing those hills and wishing I had such lovely wildflowers growing in my woods. Hope the rain cooperates. We went from parched to drenched this week. Time to till my garden too!
Your flowers and garden make me want to plant more in my yard. They look so graceful and natural there. And I love the dogs. And Miss Susie of course. :-)
Like Bouncin Barb, I am moving too... well hopefully, a good bit of drama there with the whole selling/buying process. In any case, visits to my favorite blogs have been few and far between lately! Can't wait to get settled Love the pics of all the spring treasures. Do you know I mowed my blue eyed grass every year, until one year I got behind on my mowing and discovered...sweet little blue blooms!
I am grateful that you post so many wonderful photos of your flowers and gardens, Vicki -- I love seeing the different flora and experiencing a completely different lifestyle than mine through your eyes.
Hi Vicki...sorry for being such a stranger but moving has been on my agenda. Now in Daytona Beach. Love it though. Very different and living alone is taking some getting used to. Your pictures just never cease to amaze me. You have a great eye and I enjoy whatever you post. Keep them coming! Hope all is well with you and yours. Hugs.
I can sense the warmth and smell the scent.
I'd sure like to send you some of my rain, so we could get on with some construction that's being held up!
Lilies of the valley! My favorite flowers...
Such loveliness! The collard flowers look like the winter cress that blooms this time of year, spreading yellow over meadows and roadsides.
Spring gardening! Yay! Thanks for loveliness sharing.
Everything is so beautiful Vicki!
what a lovely walk....went for a hike the other day and began looking for the snakes...will be any day now that we see them....its been incredibly warm here this week...
Good for the water snake that the crane is a sculpture! Great bunch of pictures.
Good for the water snake that the crane is a sculpture! Great bunch of pictures.
Good for the water snake that the crane is a sculpture! Great bunch of pictures.
Lilies of the Valley are among my favorites too, they always bring a rush of childhood memories.
Thanks for the wonderful look at your mountainside this morning. I am missing those hills and wishing I had such lovely wildflowers growing in my woods.
Hope the rain cooperates. We went from parched to drenched this week. Time to till my garden too!
Your flowers and garden make me want to plant more in my yard. They look so graceful and natural there. And I love the dogs. And Miss Susie of course. :-)
I too love lily of the valley. I've enjoyed your photos of all the exquisite spring flowers. Those little iris are gorgeous.
Like Bouncin Barb, I am moving too... well hopefully, a good bit of drama there with the whole selling/buying process. In any case, visits to my favorite blogs have been few and far between lately! Can't wait to get settled Love the pics of all the spring treasures. Do you know I mowed my blue eyed grass every year, until one year I got behind on my mowing and discovered...sweet little blue blooms!
You have such a lovely garden and you have the talent to write about it in a very pleasant way.
I see it's lovely and wonderful in your neck of the woods too. Sigh... Spring : )
I am grateful that you post so many wonderful photos of your flowers and gardens, Vicki -- I love seeing the different flora and experiencing a completely different lifestyle than mine through your eyes.
I think I want to live in your spring! what a thrill to see all those flowers so soon. Thank you!
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