Shamelessly stolen from Janet Reid who shamelessly stole it from someone else. I guess that makes us both thieve's.
But seriously, what a list! I have to wonder about the mind set of the person who compiled it. I have a real feeling we wouldn't get along. People who know they're right and that God is on their side are scary -- no matter what their religion is -- when they decide that they should act on that knowledge. As I see it, the fanatic who blows away an abortion doctor is pretty similar to the fanatics who crashed the jets into the Twin Towers -- except in the matter of numbers.
And what are P.K's anyway? Preacher's kids is what that means to me. Government recipients -- does that include Medicare? The use of public schools and roads? The U.S. mail?
Just call me a high fullutent loud mouth woman who fits into several other of these categories -- I think I'm up to eleven. But at least I'm not a sports nut.
But seriously, what a list! I have to wonder about the mind set of the person who compiled it. I have a real feeling we wouldn't get along. People who know they're right and that God is on their side are scary -- no matter what their religion is -- when they decide that they should act on that knowledge. As I see it, the fanatic who blows away an abortion doctor is pretty similar to the fanatics who crashed the jets into the Twin Towers -- except in the matter of numbers.
And what are P.K's anyway? Preacher's kids is what that means to me. Government recipients -- does that include Medicare? The use of public schools and roads? The U.S. mail?
Just call me a high fullutent loud mouth woman who fits into several other of these categories -- I think I'm up to eleven. But at least I'm not a sports nut.
It's obvious that these people are completely ignoring Jesus' true teachings. Religious fanatics, no matter what their religion, really scare me because it seems there is just no way to penetrate their hatred and ignorance with reason.
At least they listed racists. It's just too bad that they can't see that their attitude is just as horrible as racists.
Would 'P.K.'s' be peace keepers? Maybe anyone in law enforcement? I'm reaching here, since I can't begin to fathom their mind set.
Oh, I forgot to list my score. I think I'm up to twelve or thirteen, lol.
I'm admitting to two of the things of that list Vicki! My nearest and dearest may add a few more! It made me chuckle.
Blessings, Star
What an extraordinary list. Excuse me, but we are about to enter 2010, aren't we?
My goodness, Vicki - Well, this loud mouth, high fullutent, gambling, liberal, Democratic feminist (and more) must need to "change her ways" according to the idiot who put that thing together!
I think I made it to 11 as well - probably the same 11 as you! Just what is an emo? Do you suppose they meant emu and didn't know what it was? And why being a preacher's kid means you love the devil is beyond me!
This is AWESOME. I'm going to print it out and hang it above my desk.
1. I'm a feminists if it means I believe in equal rights for womwn.
2. I'm A gambler...I love EBAY !
3.I'm a Sports Nut( only football) and proud of it!
4.I'm a loud mouth woman during football games!
All I can say to the person that wrote this...
" God help you "
I wish I knew the origin of this list but I don't. You just kinda have to shake your head.
And yeah, reason is useless. A person with this sort of 'faith' doesn't need reason.
It's like a bumper sticker I particularly dislike: "God said it. I believe it. That settles it." It's that first premise that bothers me . . .
These ultra fundamentalist bigots drive me nuts. I have way too many of them in my extended family. :P
I think I'm up to 12... Apparently BAD SPELLER'S wasn't on the list. My guess for PK's is Politically Correct's since the guy can't spell!! I don't think I know anyone who doesn't make that list in one way or another. It's tragic really, that unfortunately there are so many people who share this view. All the more reason why "attention must be paid" (like Willy Loman says) so that this view doesn't outpace the good in the world. Thanks for sharing this - we all need to see it an be reminded.
That must be a record in misusing the apostrophe in forming the plural! Other than that, nothing but sadness about this.
The person, who wrote this list is apart from a misanthropist also very bad at English. Why does he/she write the plural of each noun with 's instead adding an s to the noun?
Willow -- You have my sympathies. While I don't universally agree with my friends and family on everything, we have learned to stay away from those topics we know will lead to angry words.
Yeah, Liz, it's easy to forget about these folks -- especially if you avoid talk radio. But they're there, sad to say. Politically Korrect? Could be . . .
What we have here, Wil and Merisi, is ignorance in action.
Ignorance in action - PERFECTLY said, Vicki.
I may have scored higher on this little test than any test I've taken in recent years - and damned proud of it!!
This is the type of thing that can send my blood pressure soaring.
I know, Kaye, it makes me want to grab the sign writer by the ears and try to find out why they believe this stuff. But I doubt anything would be accomplished except for more high blood pressure.
I laughed when I read this list – what else can one do really? This person is a true believer... in what I am not sure, but in a way it’s pathetic. Many people are like that and believe these idiocies. I guess I am not in the effeminate men category at least but I am a feminist. You know rather than being mad at this person I feel so very sorry for he/she because their life must be unbearable with so much hate. Just imagine living here and hating so many groups of people, where is the joy? "La Joie de Vivre" ?
Well, I may not fall into the category of sports nut, but I sure am married to one, and as far as I know a PK is a Penalty Kick. Perhaps they added that to avoid a PK to the pants.
You're right, Vagabonde -- it was an unhappy person who made this list.
Amelia, tell Drew we're praying for him that he may be delivered from the Demon of Sport's Addiction's.
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